Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your guide to Goal Setting

Goal setting is essential if you want to realize your vision. A great plan comes with many milestones and every milestone is a goal. So by achieving all your goals, you simply turn your vision into reality! Here are 6 questions you have to ask yourself which will help you to gain more clarity on your vision and how to set your goals properly.

1. What is the most important thing in your life?

Is it personal development,health, financial or material achievements? Or family? Is it about having a great career? a lot of friends? Identifying your most important thing helps you to find focus and set goals based on your priorities.

2. S.M.A.R.T. ideology

Is your goal:






Set goals with great detail, because the more detail you have, the more clarity you gain and easier for you to plan.

3.Identify the Pain and Pleasure

If you can identify the pain of not achieving the goal and pleasure of achieving the goal, you can empower yourself by gaining vision of your future state. It gives you motivation for you achieve your goals.

4. What are your plans and resources you have to achieve your goal?

Having a clear vision will help you see and design your plan. Focus on questions with “Hows”. What are you going to do to reach your goal? Setting up a business? Through real estate? What are the steps needed to move closer to your goals. Your “How” is important but it is not as important as your “Why”, because once you know your “Why”, somehow you would be able to figure out your “How”.

Think about resources too, focus on people and skills, lists them out.What skillsets you have that you can leverage, list them down. Who are the people that can offer you advice or provide aids that help you to move closer to your goals, write them down.

5. What are the possible obstacles you will face?

Knowing what you can achieve may not be enough, it is less than 40% of your goal setting. Think about possible obstacles too. Think about what you can do when you face some challenges. It may be hard to identify them because you did not experience them before, try reading books and case studies on what others face and learn from there!

6. Lastly, how badly you want to achieve your goal?

There is a huge difference between wanting to achieve your goal and having a must to achieve. All of us want lots of things, dream cars, dream house, high paychecks or dozens of properties. But why do many of us don’t achieve it? Simple, just mere desires. You can settle for something else easily. Unless you make your goal a must, it is very likely you would never achieve it.

I hope this will shed some light for you on goal settings. There are many resources out there on goal setting. I bet you have experience it in school or at work before. But trust me, they are not as detailed as explained here. You have yet to feel the potential of it, so try out these questions and you will see your goals much clearer!

Most important thing to remember. Always write out your goals! Paste it on your walls, your ceilings or your desktop or iPhone wallpapers!

It will remind you on your goals that you have set!



Founder, Dream Turners

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