Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to get someone to do anything for you…

Do you believe that you have the power and ability to get someone to do things that you want them to do? Yes! If you apply the right skills and the right message, they will work for you! The technique is a secret tool, or rather something that is subtle and require some analysis to bring our the characteristics of this existence of the secret technique.

You can easily find numerous books on persuasion and influence people, and they all have their own views and analysis of effective persuasion and influence. I stumbled upon a book that sums all up and put everything right in place. The book, Influence: Science and Practice (5th Edition) pieces the puzzle altogether. The book introduces the six “weapons of influence”. These are power techniques that can be so powerful that you can get people to do anything.

Consistency and Commitment. Another principle observe in almost everyday life. People can be conditioned that a certain belief is true or convinced about your opinions and in turn build their own.Once people start believing, they are committed to them and doing things consistently that relate back to their beliefs and commitment.

The Law of Reciprocity. This is a common technique you see in marketing, where companies give out free samples, trial periods of their products and know that people will come back and purchase the product, sometimes just to return the favor. It is also a form of human behavior, which build trust and relationships.

Social Proof. One of the strongest methodologies in social behavior. Simple way to describe it will be m=”monkey see, monkey do.” In many social activities when people faced uncertainties or doubts on anything, they tend to follow those who have been done it before and follow the crowd. You can observe this behavior from many marketing plans where they talk about positive experience or reviews and show videos or pictures of people using the product. Or when everyone is using the same mobile phone and others will tend to think that phone is one of the best and will eventually get one for themselves.

Scarcity. Another word that bears the same meaning “Exclusive”. People tend to do things when those things are exclusive. It can be either Time scarcity, “Limited time offer!” or Quantity scarcity which is like “2 left!” or “limited edition! 5 in the whole world” Marketers used this technique frequently as they work like magic on its own.

Liking. People tend to do things that they like, right? Same goes for anything, you tend to be easily influenced or believed in people you like. So if you can make yourself “likeable”, it will be easier to influence other people!

Authority. People tend to be believe in people of higher authority. Like you will trust professionals in their own fields. Like advertisements showing doctors and dentists promoting products, people tend to buy these recommended products. But in actual fact, these “doctors” or “dentists” are just actors!

With this six weapons of influence, I am sure you can get more out of it from other people!

This book, Influence: Science and Practice (5th Edition) is available in Amazon through this link. Author of this book, Robert Cialdini is a renowned psychologists in the field of influence and persuasion. Do get one and find out more of the concepts and ways to persuade and influence others!

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