Saturday, March 30, 2013

What Do You Want Out Of Life?

Have you ever wondered why it seems so impossible to create the life you want?

It's like every time you seem to be getting closer, some obstacle suddenly appears in your way and sabotages everything...

Here's the truth: It truly is possible to have everything you really want.

And it's not all that hard, either...

Watch the video here and you'll find out how!

So... what do YOU want out of life?


Why not ANY or ALL of these things, if you so choose? Or even more?

It's all possible if you just follow a few simple rules and put some techniques to work...

If you're not getting where you want to go, that means you're giving your mind the wrong messages, most likely without even realizing it.

And it's not that hard to change things around... many people have proven that by using these simple strategies that anyone can do to transform their lives...

Just click  here and the secrets will be revealed to you.


Dream Turners     

Friday, March 29, 2013

Conquering Discouragement

Every now and then, life turns her back on us. Well, that’s inevitable and we get discouraged. Such discouragements usually live within us over a long period of time, and we tend to be less motivated, less productive and unable to perform at our desirable level. So the trick here is to find out ways to shorten the time of being discouraged and get back on our feet real fast,and continue on our journey to success!

Keep in mind that no matter what your situation is, there’s always a means to improve it.

The best way of conquering discouragement is to get distracted to something else. Though this may not be the best use of your valuable time, but investment like this pays off when you can get back to your activities earlier.

Distractions to overcome discouragement is about occupying yourself in activities you enjoy,doing things that will motivate you. Here are some ways I am going to show you:

Find a hobby. Try out something new and refreshing, something that might interest you will be a good start! Something that will be personally rewarding and pack with a thrill of a new challenge. This will definitely help you to redirect your focus away and allow you to relax.

Indulge yourself in some social activities. Spare some time and go out meeting people. Take a short class or workshop, attend seminars or meet up with friends. Talking to others is therapeutic and calms your inner self. Catch up with your old friends can be gratifying too.

Get someone to motivate you. Everyone needs help every now and then and it is always good to have someone by your side to comfort you and encourage you. Call a close friend or even a family member who will come right over or willing to spend a day with you doing something together.

Involve in volunteering work. Not many people do this but to me, it is one of the best ways to motivate you. By involving in voluntary work, you will know that you can always contribute to others in various means and find satisfaction that you made a difference. It is a rewarding experience which will set you back on course, motivated and energized ready to make a difference for yourself!

Doing any of these are better off than just cooping yourself at home and do nothing. Be creative in your own approaches, and find things to do that may interest you or reward you. Refreshing yourself and re-energize yourself in the shortest time possible will allow you more time to reflect, and rethink on your past ordeals and making sure it will not return to you again. Truly facing them and making a promise to avoid them is part of the journey to success.

Below are some resources of gaining motivation, which will get you exposed to various methods and case studies.

Related references:



Thursday, March 28, 2013

Using the power of your subconscious mind…

It is an untapped potential of the human mind. We have yet to fully utilize the power of our brain. But today, we witness its overwhelming power by tapping into 1% of it… Learn how to harness the power of your subconscious today…

1. Autosuggestion
Reality distortion, a psychological technique that professionals uses. It it by emphasizing on the greatness of a certain object, using powerful adjectives that create a kind of distortion in your brain. Our subsconscious mind cannot distinguish the truth and the lies. If you repeat on it again and again, your sub-conscious mind will believe it it true!

2. Write out your dreams, your goals
Again, frequent “reminders” and repetitive reception of certain beliefs can empower your mind to do something. The untapped potential will energize you to work towards your dreams.

3. Dreamboarding
Have you heard of it? It is a graphical kind of representation of your dreams and goals.I bet you have done it before, using your dream cars as your wallpapers, pictures of your dream house, pasting them around your room and in your wallet. A proper dreamboard can be done through using magazine or online graphics, arrange them properly and printing them out. Place your dreamboard at a visible place that you will see everyday.

Create a dream board for yourself today. You will be amazed at the results!

Think and Grow Rich , elaborates on concepts of autosuggestion and harnessing your mind’s power. Exposing yourself to multiple resource of these concepts also reinforce your beliefs of achieving success. In fact you are using your subconscious mind right now!

Dream Turners

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Your guide to Goal Setting

Goal setting is essential if you want to realize your vision. A great plan comes with many milestones and every milestone is a goal. So by achieving all your goals, you simply turn your vision into reality! Here are 6 questions you have to ask yourself which will help you to gain more clarity on your vision and how to set your goals properly.

1. What is the most important thing in your life?

Is it personal development,health, financial or material achievements? Or family? Is it about having a great career? a lot of friends? Identifying your most important thing helps you to find focus and set goals based on your priorities.

2. S.M.A.R.T. ideology

Is your goal:






Set goals with great detail, because the more detail you have, the more clarity you gain and easier for you to plan.

3.Identify the Pain and Pleasure

If you can identify the pain of not achieving the goal and pleasure of achieving the goal, you can empower yourself by gaining vision of your future state. It gives you motivation for you achieve your goals.

4. What are your plans and resources you have to achieve your goal?

Having a clear vision will help you see and design your plan. Focus on questions with “Hows”. What are you going to do to reach your goal? Setting up a business? Through real estate? What are the steps needed to move closer to your goals. Your “How” is important but it is not as important as your “Why”, because once you know your “Why”, somehow you would be able to figure out your “How”.

Think about resources too, focus on people and skills, lists them out.What skillsets you have that you can leverage, list them down. Who are the people that can offer you advice or provide aids that help you to move closer to your goals, write them down.

5. What are the possible obstacles you will face?

Knowing what you can achieve may not be enough, it is less than 40% of your goal setting. Think about possible obstacles too. Think about what you can do when you face some challenges. It may be hard to identify them because you did not experience them before, try reading books and case studies on what others face and learn from there!

6. Lastly, how badly you want to achieve your goal?

There is a huge difference between wanting to achieve your goal and having a must to achieve. All of us want lots of things, dream cars, dream house, high paychecks or dozens of properties. But why do many of us don’t achieve it? Simple, just mere desires. You can settle for something else easily. Unless you make your goal a must, it is very likely you would never achieve it.

I hope this will shed some light for you on goal settings. There are many resources out there on goal setting. I bet you have experience it in school or at work before. But trust me, they are not as detailed as explained here. You have yet to feel the potential of it, so try out these questions and you will see your goals much clearer!

Most important thing to remember. Always write out your goals! Paste it on your walls, your ceilings or your desktop or iPhone wallpapers!

It will remind you on your goals that you have set!



Founder, Dream Turners

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do you know about The Success Principle… ?

Would you like to learn the incredibly simple steps  that high achievers take everyday to guarantee that every single new project  start becomes a success?

Go here and  to find out how…

Click here

Mack Michaels, mastermind behind MaverickMoneyMakers has just released his newest, most exciting course to date.

Over the last 12 months over 16,000 people have used Mack's incredible coaching to earn over 3.3 million bucks as members of his coaching club.

And now, he's turning the industry on it's head again!

Once you head over to that page you can watch, listen  and read as Mack shows you the steps he takes and how you can plug into them right now.

For maximum profit, just follow the steps you'll find on the page, grab your new password and get started.

This is all you need

Mack used these exact steps to personally make over $2.7 Million in 2009.

Once you find out how you'll see how incredibly easy it is for you to do the same you'll wonder why it took you so long to figure this out.

Even if you can only figure out how to make 10% of what Mack is pulling down that's over a quarter million per year! That's over 20 grand a month!

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But, if you're as committed and hard-working as I think you are then the sky is literally the limit.

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And, of course there is no risk whatsoever for you. Either you like it or you don't, you decide…

For less than the cost of the newest Bestseller at Barnes and Noble (under 25 bucks) you can plug into Mack's  2.7 Million Dollar formula right now…

It's guaranteed to work for you, no questions. Be sure that I always recommend the best stuff around for you :)


To your success,


Dream Turners

Personal Growth — Building Self Confidence

Self confidence is simply a belief and trust in yourself and your ability. It is a result of constantly overcoming  challenges. The more challenges you face and overcome it, the more you will learn about your ability. This in turn build up your self confidence.  More importantly, you will also learn of how to leverage this ability any time you face similar challenges.

Fears occur in us when are not confident, it occurs when we face something that are unknown to us, challenges that we have never face before. But when you overcome a fear once, you defeat that fear.It is something like your body immune system, building immunity with antibodies when it defeats a new bacteria. However, you will probably face those fears again at some point in your future. Facing it again shortly after defeating it the first time, it will be rather easy to recall how you defeat it and do it again. By doing this over and over again, it will become second instinct and you will know the best way to react to these fears again. This is mastering your fear. This is personal growth.

So never run away from your fears, stand up strong and face it with your ability. Even you without realizing, your body are constantly building the ability to withstand the fear. Just like bungee jumping, if you keep jumping again and again, soon you will find that it not as scary as before.

With this mastery and growth will build self confidence, you will know exactly what to do or how to react. It become courage, and conquering through the obstacles easily. Through all of this, you will begin to trust yourself more. You will believe in your ability to do great things. You will eliminate a great deal of doubt and replace it with true confidence. This is what the circle of success is all about, you did it once, and you know tat you can do it again!

I strongly believe that all of us has all the self confidence we will ever need to do anything. It is within us. It is simply a matter of locating this confidence and bringing it out when we need it most.

Locate your self confidence through personal challenges; once you find it, you’ll know what to do with it. One recommended resource, Panic Away, is a revolutionary technique to overcome your fear and anxiety. Great resource for building self confidence, it is dynamic and applicable..

Click here for Panic Attack



Founder, Dream-Turners

Monday, March 25, 2013

3 ways to excel at work…

Ever dream of being the top employee in your organisation, surpasses your colleagues and grab the best promotions or salary increments? Yes! I know many had pondered on this question and today I am going to show you 3 ways that will make you a better team member at work. No down & dirty tricks, or nasty politics, but some good habits and mindset that set you up into the good books of your colleagues and bosses.

1. Be generous and proactive. Sounds familiar? Proactive is certainly a key to all successes. You must be actively ahead of your work, instead of waiting for work to come to you or wait for customers to take the first step. Take the initiative and go after it, “create” work for yourself, design and propose new solutions to business processes or and tasks that you are having trouble with, reach out to your customers and build relationships, propose projects. See? There’s a lot that you can do. Don’t worry about creating more work for yourself, and don’t worry that you won’t get credit for it. In the long run, you will be creating a great impression in everyone. Creating work for yourself is not a bad thing at all! Because you make this work happen, you can literally control it, influence and direct your work to your desired results. With that in mind, be generous too! Always add value to your work, value-addedness is a critical factor at work, it determines your importance in your organization. If you don’t add value, you will be soon on the chopping board! Again, don’t worry about not gaining anything back from your bosses. If they don’t appreciate that you are giving back 3 times more than your boss pay you, other organizations will be more than willing to pay more for you!

2. Respect your work. From the first point of being generous, it doesn’t mean that you are generously doing a lot of things, and not claiming credit for it. Be sure that there are people out there to take advantage of your generosity and take things for granted. Take pride in your own work and be sure to take any credit you deserved. Do some publicity for your excellent work, remember to cc your own bosses in collaboration emails and always present your work. Respect your work and take ownership of it, otherwise, people will be leveraging on your “kindness” and propelling them away from you.

3. Ask better questions. This is the ULTIMATE way to differentiate yourself from others. Asking questions is important at work, it is a way people tell if you are engaged or not. But it is not enough to make any difference from others, because everyone else will be doing the same. Ask more constructive and thoughtful questions, coupled with great details. People will feel appreciated when they hear your question and able to feel the commitment and sincerity in your conversation. Some examples of better questions, “How long will it take for your team to complete on this project?” is a good question, it can be better in this way : “Will it take 2 weeks for your team to complete on the first phase of the project and probably take another week before we can see the final result?”. This is a better question as it is rich in content and you had put some thoughts into it. Another example, “How can I contact you?”, again, try including more details “Can I call you or email you so that we can work closely in this joint project? I think this way we are better informed of anything that happens on either side.” You are likely to be more appreciated in the latter question you asked right?


With this 3 habits, you are set to become one of the greatest asset your organization owned. With such “unfair advantage”, you can expect many opportunities coming to you. See yourself as a great leader at work, others will be influenced by your exemplary skills, and will want to collaborate and work for you! For more case studies, try getting this book, The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, great case studies and ways to approach work and making things happen in your favor.  Another legendary book that talks about effectiveness at work,The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness , you will be inspired to be more than just effective, but more effective than ever before!


You may be interested in these too :


I am sure the 3 ways to excel at work will work for you… Be sure to start changing the way you work today!


Founder – Dream Turners

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Do you know that you are using less than 10% of your brain power??

Albert Einstein once said that we only use about 10% of our brain's potential...

That leaves a whopping 90% of your brainpower controlled by your subconscious.

And by definition, we can't know what's going on in our subconscious... that means you're controlled by whatever's stored in the dark recesses of your mind.

Most of the time, you're basically a puppet -- driven by forces from deep inside you, that you don't understand or know about.

Fortunately, there is a way to get your conscious and subconscious mind to work together effortlessly, and reclaim some of that unused 90% of your brain.

Just check out the video here.

Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 reveals the art and science of getting what you want...

It's the result of years of painstaking personal research. My friends Greg & Alvin tested to see what actually works, recorded their results, and put together this amazing program that shows you how to do it, too.

I had given up on my dreams before I finally uncovered these secrets... don't make the same mistake I almost did.

Watch this video for the secrets here.

We all have a "voice" in our heads... That voice is your subconscious, and it can make you or break you, depending on whether you're in control or not. This is a rare chance for you to be in control, and steer your own ship to where YOU want it to go.

Don't waste another second of this incredible opportunity – be the one to master your brain today!


Founder – Dream Turners

Friday, March 22, 2013

Taking Control & Going with the Flow…

Successful people always have things under their control. You will always see that they are able to manipulate, or make things happen in their favor. Today, I will go share with you their secrets… Generally speaking, their actions can be categorized into two, Taking Control of Things around them, and Going with the Flow of Things happening around them. Such actions are driven by a millionaire habit, “Be proactive!”. We will talk about this in this post.

Taking Control of Things

You must of heard of “Winners make things happen…”. Yes, being in control means controlling things that will happen around them. They are 100% committed to themselves and their visions, and take every step to ensure that things happen in their favor. Once things start to drift away from their ideal state, these people will go all out to turn things around, like influencing others, micro-manage certain minor tasks, fix issues themselves. They are always proactive to look out for things that they can manipulate and drive things to work for them. That is why you will see them very good at spotting opportunities.

Going with the Flow

Although they are powerful super beings, there will be inevitable events that happen which spoil their plan and disrupt the progress to their ideal state. But you will never see them ranting or complaining that their great plans have failed. Inevitable events are like when stock market suddenly plunges to rock bottom, or a change in government law, or a natural disasters. No one can be powerful enough to make such events change, but successful individuals are dynamic and willing to change their strategy and plans to continue on their journey to success. They accept that things can change and so they have to change to stay in the flow with it.

Many people failed because they are not proactive enough, allowing things to drive their decisions and their plans and in some cases, resulting in big losses. They miss out a lot of good opportunities or decision to take real action to rectify the problem, and ending up waiting for “miracles” to happen. Instead, many will start giving excuses that things are not happening in their favor and they had not choice to give up.

Remember, you have the ability to change things and decide how things will happen! Be proactive in every thing you do, you will feel the difference. If you haven’t heard of this famous book,The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide , I strongly recommend you to get it for yourself. I had several editions of this book and I had benefitted a lot every time I read. Other related books are useful too, you might be interested in: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , which is one of the BEST self-help book everyone should get. Get this if you want to start making a difference in your life today!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Blueprint to wealth and happiness…

It's true.

Wealth and happiness actually does have a blueprint that you can follow.

For most of us, getting what we want seems like a mysterious process that we can never figure out.

But there are strategies and techniques you can follow... laws of the universe that will lead you to where you want to go, and they work every time.

But first you have to know how to clear your subconscious of all the past garbage and lies that other people put in there throughout your life, usually without your consent or knowledge.

This video tells you more

Most of us aren't aware of it, but our subconscious mind is being activated and reprogrammed all the time.

Your subconscious makes no value judgements. It takes whatever your conscious mind puts into it, and runs with it.

So you need to be really careful what you feed to your subconscious. If you're in a constant negative mindset, then that's what you get in your life.

If you know how to program your mind properly, then you can get exactly what you want in life, whether it's wealth, romance, good relationships, satisfying work, creativity, happiness...

Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 gives you the power to unlocking the true, limitless potential of your mind, and can transform just about any aspect of your life so you're literally living your dreams.

You now have the chance to achieve anything you want, including:

* Success Attraction
* Wealth Creation
* Everlasting Happiness
* Subconscious Mind Healings
* And much more...

It's time to stop reading and start
taking action... what you have to do
next is click on the link below, and
watch the short video there.

You'll find out the rest of the story here.

These are the Life-Changing Secrets of the most Successful,Happiest and Richest people in the world!

So you definitely want to have them for yourself here:
Don’t wait, the blueprint is already ready for you…


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Founder – Dream Turners

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why do I share all my secrets with you?

This is one question that I had answered countless of time. Not everyone get it, some are just baffled when they think about my answer. It is just illogical to them. Why are you sharing all your success secrets to everyone for FREE?

My Answer is simple, I believe by giving what I can give, I can get back more in the end.

I don’t expect anything for return, because by reading this and you learnt something from my posts, you already given me something far more valuable than money. It is satisfaction. It is my passion to share my knowledge, my secrets of success with you and one day you become successful, I will feel very happy for you! This is what I am looking for. People who are baffled with this are those who have yet tasted this kind of satisfaction. Your passion drives your hunger for satisfaction, and fulfilling them give you the best feeling in the world.

Guess what, when I am sharing my passion, my knowledge and my experience, I am attracting a lot of other things too! Others had approached me to look for answers to their problems with success and others even offered me to do workshops! See what I mean? Being passionate about something, attracts opportunities! Making money from your passion is a by-product of being passionate. So I don’t worry about money at all, and merely focusing on getting the feeling of satisfaction that I am hungry for. It will come to me naturally.

How about competition? There isn’t ANY competition here, there are opportunities everywhere! I believe in abundance, no one lose out in anyway, because in the end we all gain something.

How about selfish people who wanted all the material gains out there? I can simply tell you that they don’t last long. Here is a story that illustrate this…

A philosopher found a way to travel to Heaven and Hell. He was very curious of how different are heavenly beings and the hellish beings were. So when he reached Hell, and what he saw were people there are eating gruel with a long spoon, about the length of two meters. They just could not use those spoons to feed themselves. The spoons are just too long to reach their mouths. Eventually people there are weak and thin, and never happy.

So the philosopher went to Heaven, and guess what he saw. He saw people eating the same gruel and using the same long spoons! But everyone there are happy, strong and healthy. Why is it so? What the philosopher saw was people in heaven are feeding one another. They used their long spoons to feed others while other fed them back. So in the end, everyone was full and satisfied.

Sharing is not a bad thing. Being generous is not losing out. You will get more back in the time to come. Unable to satisfy their bottomless hunger for material gains, selfish people eventually gave up. So I always believe in sharing my knowledge, my experience with everyone who wants to succeed.

Soon, I will be releasing a FREE e-book that will help you to succeed and eventually turn your dreams to reality! Do subscribe to my blog and the download link will be sent to you when it is ready. I promise to share only the best things with you!




Dream Turners

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

99% of the entire world don’t know about this….

Today, I am sharing something that will make a difference in your life…


Watch this amazing presentation right now


It's all about what 99% of the world is TAUGHT to do..

And most likely you are part of that 99% ..

Do what everybody does and you will be just like them… Be different and you stand out among the rest…

So today, you have an opportunity to be like the 1% ...


It's simple, powerful and extremely effective


Watch this presentation now.


Like my posts? Subscribe here now


Founder – Dream Turners

Free Video: Attracting the right people..

Surrounding yourself with supportive people who don't drain your energy is important no matter what you're trying to accomplish in life, whether it's building a business or raising children.

Attracting the right people into your life is like having the right teammates on a football team; you're all focused on the same goal of winning in life. Just like a football team needs a coach before it can succeed, you should start by finding a mentor. Someone who inspires you and is in a stage of life or business that you want to be in someday. If this person doesn't offer formal mentoring or coaching, ask them if they'd consider it. Maybe you can offer a bartering arrangement.

When you have a mentor you have access to their network of colleagues and acquaintances. Before you know it, you'll find yourself meeting new people who can help take you to new levels of success and contentment. Also, simply observing the type of people your mentor associates with will help inspire you and guide you as you choose new friends.

These subliminal videos will help you as you seek and learn from a mentor.

Click here for your free video

The videos have been enormously popular and every day I receive positive feedback about them.
Wouldn't you like to benefit as well?

Click here for your free video

Now that you have the right mental attitude, it's time to get out and meet some people. Volunteer work is a good way, because people there will be like-minded and someone who is giving with their time is likely to make a good friend.

Wherever you're at, just be alert to people who stimulate your thinking and are interesting. Be sure to share your thoughts with them too so they
can find out as much about you as you do about them.

Friendship is a two-way street...once you believe you are likeable, you will attract the right people.

To help with these positive beliefs about yourself, don't forget to check out these videos.

Like more of these?

Subscribe here now


Founder – Dream Turners

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bigger Perspective = More Opportunities

I bet you have heard of others saying, “I am waiting for an opportunity, and I will make my move.” Many times, most of them end up “waiting” too long and gave up, or some make their move at the wrong opportunities. In fact, opportunities are everywhere. It is out there NOW and for you to discover. But the question is, how do we spot opportunities? Here is one Chinese ancient story that talk about this…

There was one farmer who was trying to explore new land and he stumbled upon a big Bottle Gourds Plant. Bottle gourd plants are famous for their fruits which can be hollowed out and used as water bottles. This particular plant grow amazingly BIG bottle gourds, what an opportunity the farmer thought! The farmer thought they can be used to make giant water bottles but only to realize that these giant fruits have skin that is just too thin to hold water. Water bottles made from these fruits leak and break very easily. Feeling very disappointed with his so-called “opportunity” and returned home.

He shared his findings to an amateur farmer and the amateur decided to see the “useless find” himself. The amateur finally saw the giant gourds and said “Wow! I can make good use of these big fruits!”. He dug out the entire plant and transported it back to his backyard and harvested all the giant fruits, tying them together. A few weeks later he had crafted out an extremely strong river raft, making use of the hollowed giant gourds as floats and the rafts soon become a profitable product! A useless material for a bottle turned out to be an useful and profitable material for a river raft! Certainly, the farmer missed out a very lucrative opportunity!

So what’s the secret? The answer lies in what the amateur see! The amateur had a bigger perspective, not by just looking at the conventional use of bottle gourds but looked far beyond that, and he saw a lot more uses of these giant gourds. Opportunities are everywhere, its the matter of whether you can actually see it or not…

Here’s a question for you to try out…

What will you do if you managed to buy a big piece of land at a ridiculously low price?

Think about it and have an answer before you read on.

It’s an opportunity right? So what will you do?

  • Some people see it as a sure way for quick profit, buy low and sell high! Instant profit!
  • And some others try to reap more out of it by turning it into a big farmland where you can harvest a lot all year round and making profit every year. Good perspective! Better than a one-off profit just by selling the land off.
  • Others with bigger perspective see the opportunity to create more passive income, by investing money to build apartments and buildings on it and renting them out for more money!
  • And you know what? Someone actually did a quick check on the soil and rocks and found out that there is a gold vein under it! Its a gold mine!

Sure enough, the bigger perspective you have, the more things you will see and the more opportunities you will discover. It also determines the level of success, or the amount of output you will gain from the opportunity. You can definitely gain something out of it, but is that the best you can gain from it? Do you see a small local business that can sustain your lifestyle or do you see a regional chain of outlets that can bring you heaps of money? Your talent of painting allows you to earn a name in your country or do you see your master pieces on a world tour that will make you a world famous artist? Your perspective of things determine your results!

Here are some books on broadening perspectives and see more opportunities. Spotting Business Opportunities and The Business You Can Start: Spotting The Greatest Opportunities In The Economic Downturn (Pathway to Business Success Series) gives you quick, proven methods to improve your ability to see more opportunities. Easy to follow methodologies provide you certain rules or guides that can lead you to see what others may not see. Not only to see, but how to act on them to make gains out from it!




Don’t wait! Opportunities are all out there now! Discover and act on it before others will!



Friday, March 15, 2013

Why some are more successful… The story of two stones…

I heard this inspiring story a few years ago, and it is very meaningful to me, on my views why some people are really successful while some do not. It is a mythical fantasy story of two stones who each have a different fate. Here it goes…

In a certain part of China, there is a majestic temple where thousands from all over the world come to worship. The entire temple was made with stone, all from the same mountain. The pillars, the Buddha statue, the roof are all finely crafted with stone.

One day, one of the stone slabs which made up the stairs leading to the temple was talking to the stone which is crafted into the Buddha. It exclaimed “Life is so unfair! We all came from the same mountain and why am I always get stepped on by thousands of people and you are placed high up and being worshipped by them?” Other stone slabs, also started ranting their anger and their dissatisfaction to the stone Buddha.

Finally, the stone Buddha spoke. “Can you see the difference between us? You are rectangular stone slabs that only need to endure 6 slices of the blades that made you today… I myself have to take thousands slices, hundreds of chippings and months of grinding to make me today!”

A short but truly meaningful story right? Success mostly happen after countless of failures and obstacles. People who are afraid of failure and unwilling to move out of their comfort zones are the many stone slabs in the temple, will see success or wealth befall on them. High achievers fail more than any other people. But they do not give up, they accept that failure is part of the process to achieve success, and they keep trying. Here are two points for you to think about:

Always plan to fail. Expect failure 99% all the time. Think about what you will do after each failure. If you do not plan or set your mindset right, you will be constantly disappointed. Many people expect themselves to succeed on the first try and they felt terribly painful and gave up when their first try turned out to be bad. If you are expecting failure all the time, you will be pleasantly surprised and happy when success finally happen! If you watch the interviews of millionares and successful people, you will hear them say they  didn’t expect this kind of success or result when they started. They plan to fail and they worked out plans to try again. They fine tune their plans and avoid making the same mistakes until they get it right. Truly, it is the formula for success!

Having a plan is not good enough. You must take action! Many people had great plans and said their plans were perfect and bound to succeed, but truly the fact was that the “perfect plan” was not executed because they feared failure. You can read all the books to success and agreeing to all ideas, understanding all methodologies to success. But if you did not try them out and see for yourself, you are in fact yet to fully understand it. “To know and not to do, is not yet to know.” You don’t have to have great success plans for a start, try something simple and achievable, apply the techniques and skills. Taste how success is like, and before you know it, you wanted more of it again. Being successful once can mean being successful again. You will be motivated and truly believe that all you had learnt are indeed true!

Overcome your fear of failure can bring you to great heights. Understanding that countless of failures are not true failures, but just feedback. Take that feedback and turn it to lesson learnt and try again, you are on the right track to success! There are million of ways to overcome failure, I strongly recommend these two wonderful books, Why People Fail: The 16 Obstacles to Success and How You Can Overcome Them and ,The Power of Failure: 27 Ways to Turn Life's Setbacks Into Success. These books cover numerous case studies and different ways to overcome them. Learn from their stories and cut short your journey to success.



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Founder – Dream Turners

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dream Turners on Twitter and Subscription

Here are more awesome stuff for all of you.

Dream Turners are now on Twitter and enabled Subscription to this blog.

I will be starting a regular set of tweets, called Mind Boosts, which are short quotes and affirmations that will reignite the passion and motivate you when you ever need a quick pull from me. Whenever you feel down, discouraged or things are just not working for you, go through the Mind Boosts that I had tweeted and you will feel much better and more powerful than ever. Negative happenings and failures break us down, but if we can build up again, we will be so much stronger and achieve greater heights.

Want to keep up with the amazing content in this blog, I have activated Subscriptions to this blog and you will receive notifications when new posts are up. Also, you will receive exclusive content in our newsletters, and downloadable PDFs that I have prepared just for you to start achieving more success! Not to worry, I promise to only send you the good things.

Look to the right columns for all the new stuff!


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Founder – Dream Turners

Self Confidence ! – Know Yourself first

An Ancient Chinese proverb, “If you know yourself and know your enemies, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss ” . Very true!

Before we can really talk about self-confidence, we first need to talk about “self”.

What is “self”?

Who are “you”?

What are your core values and beliefs?

What do you love to think about?

Tough questions? Let me help you with this. Self is who you really are inside, and you have to understand this self. If you can’t understand your Self, then how can you have faith in yourself?

If you don’t have a good understanding about yourself, you will be prone to external factors that will affect you. There are hundreds and thousands of messages hammering you each day from media or people in your life. These messages will define who you are instead unless you understand yourself.

You want to reach your destination rather than be tossed about like a ship without a sail. So start taking time to get to know yourself.
Learn to enjoy your own company. And...dare I say it...fall in love with yourself.

Then you will have the confidence that will carry you forward.
So get to know your Self. Sometimes outside encouragement is helpful. So here are videos that you can watch effortlessly to help you get in the right frame of mind to grow and get to know your Self.

Click here for the video

But note, having a strong sense of self doesn't mean you have to become arrogant and full of pride. It means being completely content and confident with who you are. And when that happens, look out, because your income will grow too.

Start your video here to being knowing yourself!


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Founder – Dream Turners

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to be 10 times more effective at work

Have you ever wondered why some people are better workers than many others? Or some workers are able to get into good books of their bosses? Everyone work for the same number of hours but some are better paid, even without doing overtime?!

"I work 12 hours a day and I deserve more than others who do not" Yes. Your boss like your hardworking attitude but never thought of promoting you or giving you a raise. Why? Here's an example, a boss got two employees, A and B:

Employee A has been in the company for 10 years. He is the first to arrive at work and the last to leave. He has diligently work with the suppliers to make sure they deliver on time and also do considerable sales to his regular customers. He is an expert and give good advice to customers.

Employee B is a new hire in the company. He is always punctual at work and leave on time. He work with suppliers and build relationship with them by presenting his sales data, showing them what are the more popular products, follow up with them on various contracts. As a result, he is able to get cheaper deals from them. Employee A also work with customers to identify their needs, promote products which are more suitable, design better packages for bulk sales. He also do regular after call sales to ensure his customers are satisfied.

If you are their boss, who will you likely to promote? Of course it is Employee B! That's because he created more value in his work. Also, he is able to do more sales and generate more income to the company. There are many Employee As out there but Employee Bs are rare and hard to come by. They are treasured assets to the companies and companies do all out to keep them, by giving them better pay, better benefits.

So are you Employee A or Employee B? Do you want to become a valuable asset to your company that will do what it takes to keep you? Here are three learning points that will help you to create more value :

Do more than expected. Doing more than expected is creating value to your work. A simple follow up email to the customers only takes a few minutes but the value of it is tremendous. Think in your customers' perspectives and exceed their expectations, and before you know it, you are already one of the best few employees around!

Be generous. Don’t be afraid of giving more. Give more and ask nothing in return shows that you are sincere in helping others with their work and meeting their needs. This is part of creating value, in the long run, your generous offers will be highly valued and others will be more than willing to pay a premium for it. I have been generously sharing my gardening experience and offer help and advice to others’ gardens and today, some of them recommended me to advise on bigger gardens with a pretty amazing consultation fee!

Leverage. Always leverage time to create value, everyone has the same number of hours each day but each of them create different amount of value. Think about ways to create more value with less time and money. Reduce the  spent on low value work, like clearing email, arranging logistics and administrative tasks. Focus more time on activities that will create more value. For me, I spend most of my time working with my customers and doing presentations to secure better deals and do my email clearing and leave applications at the end of the day.

These are indeed habits that I observed in high achievers. Creating value is in other words, increasing your value to your company, because you are able to generate more revenue, better relationships and highly effective at work. If you want to learn more skills to increase your ability to create more value, try these books, How to Be Twice as Smart: Boosting Your Brainpower and Unleashing the Miracles of Your Mind and Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long. These books are extremely useful, I read them again and again over several years. The first book, I have it for almost 10 years now, and I am still reading it. The skills are simple and easy to master, and definitely give you an edge above all others! So try reading them!