Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Personal Growth — Building Self Confidence

Self confidence is simply a belief and trust in yourself and your ability. It is a result of constantly overcoming  challenges. The more challenges you face and overcome it, the more you will learn about your ability. This in turn build up your self confidence.  More importantly, you will also learn of how to leverage this ability any time you face similar challenges.

Fears occur in us when are not confident, it occurs when we face something that are unknown to us, challenges that we have never face before. But when you overcome a fear once, you defeat that fear.It is something like your body immune system, building immunity with antibodies when it defeats a new bacteria. However, you will probably face those fears again at some point in your future. Facing it again shortly after defeating it the first time, it will be rather easy to recall how you defeat it and do it again. By doing this over and over again, it will become second instinct and you will know the best way to react to these fears again. This is mastering your fear. This is personal growth.

So never run away from your fears, stand up strong and face it with your ability. Even you without realizing, your body are constantly building the ability to withstand the fear. Just like bungee jumping, if you keep jumping again and again, soon you will find that it not as scary as before.

With this mastery and growth will build self confidence, you will know exactly what to do or how to react. It become courage, and conquering through the obstacles easily. Through all of this, you will begin to trust yourself more. You will believe in your ability to do great things. You will eliminate a great deal of doubt and replace it with true confidence. This is what the circle of success is all about, you did it once, and you know tat you can do it again!

I strongly believe that all of us has all the self confidence we will ever need to do anything. It is within us. It is simply a matter of locating this confidence and bringing it out when we need it most.

Locate your self confidence through personal challenges; once you find it, you’ll know what to do with it. One recommended resource, Panic Away, is a revolutionary technique to overcome your fear and anxiety. Great resource for building self confidence, it is dynamic and applicable..

Click here for Panic Attack



Founder, Dream-Turners

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