Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Great plans come from Great Vision… Can you see clearly what it takes?

Most successes doesn't come from pure luck, in fact most of them are through careful planning and leveraging the opportunities to happen. Mark didn't make Facebook more than a million users overnight, Larry didn't make Google one of the best search engine ever. All of them have a humble beginning and a great plan.

Your plan truly determine the probability and level of success. It gives you clarity to make the correct decisions and drive towards success. Making wrong decisions either stall your progress or even destroy the entire plan. So planning is a critical step that you have to do it in order to succeed. Planning is an art, many learnt from their mistakes, which took them on long detours before they finally succeed. Other learn through following successful plans, which is a great idea, but always be ready to change according to the opportunities happening around you.

Before you can start planning, you need to know what's at the end of the road, things that you want to achieve. In short, Vision. Great plans come from great vision. Crystal clear vision can show you every step you need to make to succeed. Vague or vision with little details are almost useless, because you cannot plan effectively, ending up going in circles or wrong direction. A vision " Setting up a supermarket in my town" is too vague to give you good details to plan. "Setting up a 10,000 sq foot supermarket with products from 100 vendors in the downtown area in 2 years time" See the difference? This will guide you to plan appropriately. You will devise a plan on how to work with 100 vendors, and also search for potential rent space in downtown. Do you think it is easier to succeed than saying "Setting up a supermarket"? Yes it does!!

Vision is what you want to achieve and different levels of success will require a whole new vision and plan. A vision and plan of setting up a supermarket will be different from setting up a global chain of supermarket. You will also need to think about expansion and regional distributors, how to manage a chain of outlets etc.

So how high should you aim for success? Of course as high as possible! The higher you aim, the better your rewards from success! You shouldn't be saying "It's too difficult" or "I don't think I can do it". You already got a great vision and plan! You are almost halfway there, you are far better than the majority of them. Don’t settle for less, it limits your ability to grow. And if your big plan doesn’t turn out as well, you will still be far better than you used to be! A global chain may not work or fail to take off, but your plan is already good enough to sustain a regional chain of supermarkets, does it sound good too compared to nothing?

So always set a clear vision, only then you will see the goals you need to accomplish in order to succeed.  With these, you will be able to plan in great details, almost like a blueprint to success. There a lot great resources out there, but the hidden message of great vision and great plan is something that not many resources actually talk in depth to it. I hope you are enlightened by now. Here are some books that help you out on goal settings, proven methodologies and systematic approach to achieve your goals. I read many of such books, but it is really the hands-on, practical application of vision that make you realize that everything is possible. Nevertheless, these books are going to help you a lot, reducing your learning period to succeed,  so read them and apply them, you will be amazed. If you want to learn from success stories and analysis of their methodologies, i recommend Goal Setting: 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers, great resource! If you want more in depth knowledge on accelerated goal achievement, this is something you will be looking for, Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible .


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