Friday, March 29, 2013

Conquering Discouragement

Every now and then, life turns her back on us. Well, that’s inevitable and we get discouraged. Such discouragements usually live within us over a long period of time, and we tend to be less motivated, less productive and unable to perform at our desirable level. So the trick here is to find out ways to shorten the time of being discouraged and get back on our feet real fast,and continue on our journey to success!

Keep in mind that no matter what your situation is, there’s always a means to improve it.

The best way of conquering discouragement is to get distracted to something else. Though this may not be the best use of your valuable time, but investment like this pays off when you can get back to your activities earlier.

Distractions to overcome discouragement is about occupying yourself in activities you enjoy,doing things that will motivate you. Here are some ways I am going to show you:

Find a hobby. Try out something new and refreshing, something that might interest you will be a good start! Something that will be personally rewarding and pack with a thrill of a new challenge. This will definitely help you to redirect your focus away and allow you to relax.

Indulge yourself in some social activities. Spare some time and go out meeting people. Take a short class or workshop, attend seminars or meet up with friends. Talking to others is therapeutic and calms your inner self. Catch up with your old friends can be gratifying too.

Get someone to motivate you. Everyone needs help every now and then and it is always good to have someone by your side to comfort you and encourage you. Call a close friend or even a family member who will come right over or willing to spend a day with you doing something together.

Involve in volunteering work. Not many people do this but to me, it is one of the best ways to motivate you. By involving in voluntary work, you will know that you can always contribute to others in various means and find satisfaction that you made a difference. It is a rewarding experience which will set you back on course, motivated and energized ready to make a difference for yourself!

Doing any of these are better off than just cooping yourself at home and do nothing. Be creative in your own approaches, and find things to do that may interest you or reward you. Refreshing yourself and re-energize yourself in the shortest time possible will allow you more time to reflect, and rethink on your past ordeals and making sure it will not return to you again. Truly facing them and making a promise to avoid them is part of the journey to success.

Below are some resources of gaining motivation, which will get you exposed to various methods and case studies.

Related references:



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