Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bigger Perspective = More Opportunities

I bet you have heard of others saying, “I am waiting for an opportunity, and I will make my move.” Many times, most of them end up “waiting” too long and gave up, or some make their move at the wrong opportunities. In fact, opportunities are everywhere. It is out there NOW and for you to discover. But the question is, how do we spot opportunities? Here is one Chinese ancient story that talk about this…

There was one farmer who was trying to explore new land and he stumbled upon a big Bottle Gourds Plant. Bottle gourd plants are famous for their fruits which can be hollowed out and used as water bottles. This particular plant grow amazingly BIG bottle gourds, what an opportunity the farmer thought! The farmer thought they can be used to make giant water bottles but only to realize that these giant fruits have skin that is just too thin to hold water. Water bottles made from these fruits leak and break very easily. Feeling very disappointed with his so-called “opportunity” and returned home.

He shared his findings to an amateur farmer and the amateur decided to see the “useless find” himself. The amateur finally saw the giant gourds and said “Wow! I can make good use of these big fruits!”. He dug out the entire plant and transported it back to his backyard and harvested all the giant fruits, tying them together. A few weeks later he had crafted out an extremely strong river raft, making use of the hollowed giant gourds as floats and the rafts soon become a profitable product! A useless material for a bottle turned out to be an useful and profitable material for a river raft! Certainly, the farmer missed out a very lucrative opportunity!

So what’s the secret? The answer lies in what the amateur see! The amateur had a bigger perspective, not by just looking at the conventional use of bottle gourds but looked far beyond that, and he saw a lot more uses of these giant gourds. Opportunities are everywhere, its the matter of whether you can actually see it or not…

Here’s a question for you to try out…

What will you do if you managed to buy a big piece of land at a ridiculously low price?

Think about it and have an answer before you read on.

It’s an opportunity right? So what will you do?

  • Some people see it as a sure way for quick profit, buy low and sell high! Instant profit!
  • And some others try to reap more out of it by turning it into a big farmland where you can harvest a lot all year round and making profit every year. Good perspective! Better than a one-off profit just by selling the land off.
  • Others with bigger perspective see the opportunity to create more passive income, by investing money to build apartments and buildings on it and renting them out for more money!
  • And you know what? Someone actually did a quick check on the soil and rocks and found out that there is a gold vein under it! Its a gold mine!

Sure enough, the bigger perspective you have, the more things you will see and the more opportunities you will discover. It also determines the level of success, or the amount of output you will gain from the opportunity. You can definitely gain something out of it, but is that the best you can gain from it? Do you see a small local business that can sustain your lifestyle or do you see a regional chain of outlets that can bring you heaps of money? Your talent of painting allows you to earn a name in your country or do you see your master pieces on a world tour that will make you a world famous artist? Your perspective of things determine your results!

Here are some books on broadening perspectives and see more opportunities. Spotting Business Opportunities and The Business You Can Start: Spotting The Greatest Opportunities In The Economic Downturn (Pathway to Business Success Series) gives you quick, proven methods to improve your ability to see more opportunities. Easy to follow methodologies provide you certain rules or guides that can lead you to see what others may not see. Not only to see, but how to act on them to make gains out from it!




Don’t wait! Opportunities are all out there now! Discover and act on it before others will!



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