Monday, March 25, 2013

3 ways to excel at work…

Ever dream of being the top employee in your organisation, surpasses your colleagues and grab the best promotions or salary increments? Yes! I know many had pondered on this question and today I am going to show you 3 ways that will make you a better team member at work. No down & dirty tricks, or nasty politics, but some good habits and mindset that set you up into the good books of your colleagues and bosses.

1. Be generous and proactive. Sounds familiar? Proactive is certainly a key to all successes. You must be actively ahead of your work, instead of waiting for work to come to you or wait for customers to take the first step. Take the initiative and go after it, “create” work for yourself, design and propose new solutions to business processes or and tasks that you are having trouble with, reach out to your customers and build relationships, propose projects. See? There’s a lot that you can do. Don’t worry about creating more work for yourself, and don’t worry that you won’t get credit for it. In the long run, you will be creating a great impression in everyone. Creating work for yourself is not a bad thing at all! Because you make this work happen, you can literally control it, influence and direct your work to your desired results. With that in mind, be generous too! Always add value to your work, value-addedness is a critical factor at work, it determines your importance in your organization. If you don’t add value, you will be soon on the chopping board! Again, don’t worry about not gaining anything back from your bosses. If they don’t appreciate that you are giving back 3 times more than your boss pay you, other organizations will be more than willing to pay more for you!

2. Respect your work. From the first point of being generous, it doesn’t mean that you are generously doing a lot of things, and not claiming credit for it. Be sure that there are people out there to take advantage of your generosity and take things for granted. Take pride in your own work and be sure to take any credit you deserved. Do some publicity for your excellent work, remember to cc your own bosses in collaboration emails and always present your work. Respect your work and take ownership of it, otherwise, people will be leveraging on your “kindness” and propelling them away from you.

3. Ask better questions. This is the ULTIMATE way to differentiate yourself from others. Asking questions is important at work, it is a way people tell if you are engaged or not. But it is not enough to make any difference from others, because everyone else will be doing the same. Ask more constructive and thoughtful questions, coupled with great details. People will feel appreciated when they hear your question and able to feel the commitment and sincerity in your conversation. Some examples of better questions, “How long will it take for your team to complete on this project?” is a good question, it can be better in this way : “Will it take 2 weeks for your team to complete on the first phase of the project and probably take another week before we can see the final result?”. This is a better question as it is rich in content and you had put some thoughts into it. Another example, “How can I contact you?”, again, try including more details “Can I call you or email you so that we can work closely in this joint project? I think this way we are better informed of anything that happens on either side.” You are likely to be more appreciated in the latter question you asked right?


With this 3 habits, you are set to become one of the greatest asset your organization owned. With such “unfair advantage”, you can expect many opportunities coming to you. See yourself as a great leader at work, others will be influenced by your exemplary skills, and will want to collaborate and work for you! For more case studies, try getting this book, The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations, great case studies and ways to approach work and making things happen in your favor.  Another legendary book that talks about effectiveness at work,The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness , you will be inspired to be more than just effective, but more effective than ever before!


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I am sure the 3 ways to excel at work will work for you… Be sure to start changing the way you work today!


Founder – Dream Turners

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