Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Self Confidence ! – Know Yourself first

An Ancient Chinese proverb, “If you know yourself and know your enemies, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss ” . Very true!

Before we can really talk about self-confidence, we first need to talk about “self”.

What is “self”?

Who are “you”?

What are your core values and beliefs?

What do you love to think about?

Tough questions? Let me help you with this. Self is who you really are inside, and you have to understand this self. If you can’t understand your Self, then how can you have faith in yourself?

If you don’t have a good understanding about yourself, you will be prone to external factors that will affect you. There are hundreds and thousands of messages hammering you each day from media or people in your life. These messages will define who you are instead unless you understand yourself.

You want to reach your destination rather than be tossed about like a ship without a sail. So start taking time to get to know yourself.
Learn to enjoy your own company. And...dare I say it...fall in love with yourself.

Then you will have the confidence that will carry you forward.
So get to know your Self. Sometimes outside encouragement is helpful. So here are videos that you can watch effortlessly to help you get in the right frame of mind to grow and get to know your Self.

Click here for the video

But note, having a strong sense of self doesn't mean you have to become arrogant and full of pride. It means being completely content and confident with who you are. And when that happens, look out, because your income will grow too.

Start your video here to being knowing yourself!


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Founder – Dream Turners

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