Friday, March 22, 2013

Taking Control & Going with the Flow…

Successful people always have things under their control. You will always see that they are able to manipulate, or make things happen in their favor. Today, I will go share with you their secrets… Generally speaking, their actions can be categorized into two, Taking Control of Things around them, and Going with the Flow of Things happening around them. Such actions are driven by a millionaire habit, “Be proactive!”. We will talk about this in this post.

Taking Control of Things

You must of heard of “Winners make things happen…”. Yes, being in control means controlling things that will happen around them. They are 100% committed to themselves and their visions, and take every step to ensure that things happen in their favor. Once things start to drift away from their ideal state, these people will go all out to turn things around, like influencing others, micro-manage certain minor tasks, fix issues themselves. They are always proactive to look out for things that they can manipulate and drive things to work for them. That is why you will see them very good at spotting opportunities.

Going with the Flow

Although they are powerful super beings, there will be inevitable events that happen which spoil their plan and disrupt the progress to their ideal state. But you will never see them ranting or complaining that their great plans have failed. Inevitable events are like when stock market suddenly plunges to rock bottom, or a change in government law, or a natural disasters. No one can be powerful enough to make such events change, but successful individuals are dynamic and willing to change their strategy and plans to continue on their journey to success. They accept that things can change and so they have to change to stay in the flow with it.

Many people failed because they are not proactive enough, allowing things to drive their decisions and their plans and in some cases, resulting in big losses. They miss out a lot of good opportunities or decision to take real action to rectify the problem, and ending up waiting for “miracles” to happen. Instead, many will start giving excuses that things are not happening in their favor and they had not choice to give up.

Remember, you have the ability to change things and decide how things will happen! Be proactive in every thing you do, you will feel the difference. If you haven’t heard of this famous book,The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: The Ultimate Teenage Success Guide , I strongly recommend you to get it for yourself. I had several editions of this book and I had benefitted a lot every time I read. Other related books are useful too, you might be interested in: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , which is one of the BEST self-help book everyone should get. Get this if you want to start making a difference in your life today!


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